# Particore API

# pt_new()

Creates a new particle type and sets it as the current working particle.

# pt_with(partType)

Sets the given part type as the current working particle.

var part = part_type_create();

# pt_shape(shape)

Shorthand for part_type_shape. Sets the shape of the current working particle to one of the built-in particle shapes.

var part = pt_new();

# pt_blend(additive)

Shorthand for part_type_blend. It takes a boolean, true for additive blending, false for normal.

var part = pt_new();

# pt_sprite(sprite, optionalAnimate, optionalStretch, optionalRandom)

Shorthand for part_type_sprite. Only the first argument is required.

var part = pt_new();

# pt_size(minSize, optionalMaxSize, optionalIncr, optionalWiggle)

Shorthand for pt_type_size. Only the first argument is required.

var part = pt_new();
pt_size(.75, 1.25);

# pt_speed(minSpeed, optionalMaxSpeed, optionalIncr, optionalWiggle)

Shorthand for part_type_speed. Only the first argument is required.

var part = pt_new();
pt_speed(2, 4);

# pt_direction(minDir, optionalMaxDir, optionalIncr, optionalWiggle)

Shorthand for part_type_direction. Only the first argument is required.

You can also pass in only PT.Any for a default set of 0, 364, 0, 0 if you want to make a particle that just goes any direction.

var straightPart = pt_new();

var allDirPart = pt_new();

# pt_orientation(minDir, optionalMaxDir, optionalIncr, optionalWiggle)

Shorthand for part_type_orientation. Only the first argument is required.

You can pass in PT.Any here for a default set of 0, 364, 0, 0.

You can also pass in PT.Relative to enable relative orientation to the direction.

var downPart = pt_new();

var anyPart = nt_new();

var relativePart = pt_new();

# pt_life(minLife, optionalMaxLife)

Shorthand for part_type_life. Only the first argument is required. Omitting a max lifespan sets the max and min to be the same.

var part = pt_new();
pt_life(60, 120);

# pt_step(stepPart, optionalStepCount)

Shorthand for part_type_step. Only the first argument is required.

optionalStepCount defaults to 1.

var stepPart = pt_new();

var part = pt_new();

# pt_death(deathPart, optionalDeathCount)

Shorthand for part_type_death. Only the first argument is required.

optionalDeathCount defaults to 1.

var deathPart = pt_new();

var part = pt_new();

# pt_color(color, optionalColor2, optionalColor3)

Shorthand for part_type_color, part_type_color2, and part_type_color3 depending on how many arguments have been provided.

var part = pt_new();
pt_color(c_red, c_yellow);

# pt_alpha(alpha, alpha2, alpha3)

Shorthand for part_type_alpha, part_type_alpha2, and part_type_alpha3 depending on how many arguments have been provided.

var part = pt_new();
pt_alpha(1, 0);

# pt_free(partType)

Shorthand for part_type_destroy

var part = pt_new();