# GMTest API

# Test Management

# test_describe(suiteName, suiteMethod)

Wraps a suite of tests

@param {string} testName         The name of the test suite
@param {method} testSuiteMethod  A method containing the individual tests

test_describe("hurt_player", function() {
  // ...

# test_it(description, testMethod)

Defines an individual test.

@param {string} description  The description of the functionality being tested
@param {method} testMethod   A method containing the test

test_it("subtracts from the health variable", function() {
  // ...

# test_before(beforeMethod)

Defines a setup function for a suite of tests. This function is run once before the any tests in the test suite runs.

@param {method} setupMethod  A method containing the setup for a test suite

test_before(function() {
  health = 100;

# test_before_each(beforeEachMethod)

Defines a setup function for each test in a suite. This function is before each test defined in a suite.

@param {method} setupMethod  A method containing the setup for eachtest in a suite.

test_beforeEach(function() {
  health = 100;

# test_after(afterMethod)

Defines a cleanup function for a suite of tests. This function is run once after all tests in the suite have finished.

@param {method} cleanupMethod  A method containing the cleanup for a test suite

test_after(function() {
  score = 0;

# test_after_each(afterMethod)

Defines a cleanup function for each test in a suite of tests.

@param {method} cleanupMethod  A method containing the cleanup for a test suite

test_after_each(function() {
  score = 0;

# test_run_all(optionalAutoEnd)

Runs every test that has been defined within a test_describe before calling.

@param autoEnd {boolean}  If GM Test should close the game upon completion of the tests. Defaults to false.


# Asserts

All assertions can optionally take a custom error message as a third argument.

# assert(value, [, customMessage])

Ensures that the given value is true (convenience for assert_is_true).

# assert_equal(value, expectedValue [, customMessage])

Ensures that the given value is equal to expectedValue.

# assert_not_equal(value, unexpectedValue [, customMessage])

Ensures that the given value is NOT equal to unexpectedValue.

# assert_exists(object [, customMessage])

Ensures that an instance of object exists in the room.

# assert_does_not_exist(object [, customMessage])

Ensures that an instance of object does not exist in the room.

# assert_is_true(value [, customMessage])

Ensures the given value is true.

# assert_is_false(value [, customMessage])

Ensures the given value is false.

# assert_is_undefined(value [, customMessage])

Ensures the given value passes is_undefined().

# assert_throws(function [, expectedErrorMessage])

Ensures the given function throws an error message. Optionally specify expectedErrorMessage to validate the error message.

assert_throws(function() {
  throw "test";
}, "test");